All About Taeumin _1
2015-03-02 15:33
1. Appearance
- The face is round or egg-shaped, with distinct outline.
- Has relatively large and round eyes, nose, mouth and ears, and thick lips.
- Is sensitive to smell, and sweats a lot. For women, hands and feet tend to be chapped frequently.
- The neck is weak.
- The waist is developed to have strong posture when standing.
- The lower body is more developed than the upper body, and feet tend to spread when walking, or to walk in a squat with the upper body slightly tilted forward.
- The heart is weak to show heart pounding and throbbing symptoms, and the function of the lungs are decreased along with bad large intestine function.
- Very reserved, but also with outgoing tendency.
- Has unique character, and reserved, but with strong obsession and persistence.
- Has many thoughts in the mind and is stubborn. Also has positive drive to have many successful people in business, and also shows distinguishment in arts.
- The character is conservative and hates change.
Interpersonal relationship
- Stubborn and blunt.
- Has unique character and strong obsession to be self-righteous.
- Has strong leadership and is rational.
- Many hero and patriots were Taeumin, but there are also many people who have narrow insight, neglectful and foolish.
Emotional expression
- It is difficult to return to its original state once twisted.
Adaptation to situation
- Shows strong concentration on work that fits the aptitude, with good positive drive.
- Cannot do anything when afraid or too cautious on trying something.
Work performance
- Handles work rationally and is clear in finishing the work.
- Is strongly self-centered, with good positive drive.
Attitude towards work
- Shows strong tenacity towards work of preference.
- Constant, calm and tries to accomplish the given work.
- Good at administrative work, and do not easily give up on any difficulties.
- Cannot endure not finishing the work.
- Tries to come upon a conclusion from the inside, not from the outside.
- Takes no interest other than family or one’s own work.
Words and behaviors
- Normally quiet, but says things that must be said.
- Has strong desire for food to frequently eat too much.
Behavioral form
- If there are no special occasions, Taeumin is normally relaxed, but tends to be in a hurry in special occasions.
- Can be fearful of not revealing oneself, but reading other’s thoughts.
- Normally quiet, and likes to lead a dissipated life rather than exercising.
- Dull, lazy and full of suspicions.
3.Physical constitution and health checking method, most common illness
☞ Good function of liver, but weak lung, heart, large intestine and dermal functions
- Sweating is good for health, but when the skin is firm and hard and not sweating, there may be illness in the body. Taeumin eat much, but has less activity to be fat or have constipation. To avoid obesity, Taeumin must always move and sweat, and grow a good eating habit to avoid constipation.
- Taeumin tends to have congestion on the liver, and this may affect the small intestine to dry the excretion. Constipation is a common symptom to Taeumin, but it is not too serious. However, in the case of diarrhea to block the small intestine to feel stuffy like being inside a fog, it may be a serious illness.
- The seriousness of the illness in Taeumin can be determined by the complexion. If the complexion is blue and white, the mind is heavy and there is fever, and if the complexion is yellow or dark, there is fever in the liver and the lungs are dry. Therefore, treatment must be received. For the illnesses of Taeumin, discharge and release are methods of treatment. The cause of illnesses are from fever in the liver, therefore, sweating and excretion can cure the illness.
- Enabling the Taeumin to sweat is a goal in the treatment, and whether the sweat comes out from the forehead, eyebrows or the cheek, the drops of the sweat should be big, and should sweat for long-period of time to strengthen the spirit. It is a refreshing spirit for the weak spirit. If the drops of the sweat are small and last for short period of time, it is because of weak spirit.
Perfect healthiness
- Taeumin is healthy when sweat is discharged through the pores appropriately.
- Normally, Taeumin sweats a lot even on small movements, and there is a refreshing feeling after sweating.
Very serious illness
- If the skin is firm and hard, and is not sweating, there may be a very serious illness.
- If there is no sweating, it may soon accompany other symptoms, therefore, treatment must be received quickly.
Serious illness
- If there is diarrhea to block the small intestine and the feeling of stuffiness like being in a fog, it is a serious illness.
Most common illnesses to Taeumin
Acute pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, cardiac disease, hypertension, stroke, eczema, tumor, rash, allergy, colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, neurosis, flu, appendicitis, typhoid, jaundice, etc.
- The face is round or egg-shaped, with distinct outline.
- Has relatively large and round eyes, nose, mouth and ears, and thick lips.
- Is sensitive to smell, and sweats a lot. For women, hands and feet tend to be chapped frequently.
- The neck is weak.
- The waist is developed to have strong posture when standing.
- The lower body is more developed than the upper body, and feet tend to spread when walking, or to walk in a squat with the upper body slightly tilted forward.
- The heart is weak to show heart pounding and throbbing symptoms, and the function of the lungs are decreased along with bad large intestine function.
- Very reserved, but also with outgoing tendency.
- Has unique character, and reserved, but with strong obsession and persistence.
- Has many thoughts in the mind and is stubborn. Also has positive drive to have many successful people in business, and also shows distinguishment in arts.
- The character is conservative and hates change.
Interpersonal relationship
- Stubborn and blunt.
- Has unique character and strong obsession to be self-righteous.
- Has strong leadership and is rational.
- Many hero and patriots were Taeumin, but there are also many people who have narrow insight, neglectful and foolish.
Emotional expression
- It is difficult to return to its original state once twisted.
Adaptation to situation
- Shows strong concentration on work that fits the aptitude, with good positive drive.
- Cannot do anything when afraid or too cautious on trying something.
Work performance
- Handles work rationally and is clear in finishing the work.
- Is strongly self-centered, with good positive drive.
Attitude towards work
- Shows strong tenacity towards work of preference.
- Constant, calm and tries to accomplish the given work.
- Good at administrative work, and do not easily give up on any difficulties.
- Cannot endure not finishing the work.
- Tries to come upon a conclusion from the inside, not from the outside.
- Takes no interest other than family or one’s own work.
Words and behaviors
- Normally quiet, but says things that must be said.
- Has strong desire for food to frequently eat too much.
Behavioral form
- If there are no special occasions, Taeumin is normally relaxed, but tends to be in a hurry in special occasions.
- Can be fearful of not revealing oneself, but reading other’s thoughts.
- Normally quiet, and likes to lead a dissipated life rather than exercising.
- Dull, lazy and full of suspicions.
3.Physical constitution and health checking method, most common illness
☞ Good function of liver, but weak lung, heart, large intestine and dermal functions
- Sweating is good for health, but when the skin is firm and hard and not sweating, there may be illness in the body. Taeumin eat much, but has less activity to be fat or have constipation. To avoid obesity, Taeumin must always move and sweat, and grow a good eating habit to avoid constipation.
- Taeumin tends to have congestion on the liver, and this may affect the small intestine to dry the excretion. Constipation is a common symptom to Taeumin, but it is not too serious. However, in the case of diarrhea to block the small intestine to feel stuffy like being inside a fog, it may be a serious illness.
- The seriousness of the illness in Taeumin can be determined by the complexion. If the complexion is blue and white, the mind is heavy and there is fever, and if the complexion is yellow or dark, there is fever in the liver and the lungs are dry. Therefore, treatment must be received. For the illnesses of Taeumin, discharge and release are methods of treatment. The cause of illnesses are from fever in the liver, therefore, sweating and excretion can cure the illness.
- Enabling the Taeumin to sweat is a goal in the treatment, and whether the sweat comes out from the forehead, eyebrows or the cheek, the drops of the sweat should be big, and should sweat for long-period of time to strengthen the spirit. It is a refreshing spirit for the weak spirit. If the drops of the sweat are small and last for short period of time, it is because of weak spirit.
Perfect healthiness
- Taeumin is healthy when sweat is discharged through the pores appropriately.
- Normally, Taeumin sweats a lot even on small movements, and there is a refreshing feeling after sweating.
Very serious illness
- If the skin is firm and hard, and is not sweating, there may be a very serious illness.
- If there is no sweating, it may soon accompany other symptoms, therefore, treatment must be received quickly.
Serious illness
- If there is diarrhea to block the small intestine and the feeling of stuffiness like being in a fog, it is a serious illness.
Most common illnesses to Taeumin
Acute pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, cardiac disease, hypertension, stroke, eczema, tumor, rash, allergy, colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, neurosis, flu, appendicitis, typhoid, jaundice, etc.